Dec 3, 2021
In the modern world, there appears to be greater competition between the family and the environment as the places where children are best reared. 21st-century children need more help and more effective participation with their families. In this episode, learn how culture affects us and our children, and learn how to...
Nov 17, 2021
It's important to help children be selective about who they trust. But children are actually more likely to make fewer mistakes in their judgements of others if they have a basic motivation to trust rather than mistrust. Teach your children to see the good things in the world, and then when you work with them, you can...
Nov 8, 2021
While a certain amount of time is necessary for the task of rearing children, there are many things parents can do to make more effective use of their parent time. In this episode, learn about the warmth quotient, the solution orientation, and what it means to make contact with your children. Spend less time solving the...
Oct 25, 2021
Our children are often faced with confusing messages about what kind of person to be and become. Over time children can fail to establish a strong and complete sense of identity and remain diffused or living without a sense of wholeness. This makes them much more vulnerable to external persuasion. To compensate for...
Sep 29, 2021
To love and be loved requires tools, motivation, and the capacity to feel deeply. The motivation to love and the feelings themselves are often created by a communication event, which results in one or both people knowing and understanding one another in a highly personal manner. In this episode, you can learn several...